Our MottoLifting Up Jesus in the Inner City
What We BelieveThere is only one God—our Father and the creator of all things—and He wants a relationship with us. He sent his son, Jesus, to teach us how to live and ultimately die for our sins so we can be forgiven and have eternal life.
We want our church family and our worship to resemble the church we read about in the Bible. Our Sunday worship is spent honoring and praising God for His many blessings, for the gift of salvation through Jesus, and for His Spirit abiding with us always. We do this through singing, praying, weekly communion and reflection, giving back to Him as we have been blessed, and through focusing on His Word. We offer opportunities to grow our faith through weekly Bible classes for all ages and a chance to connect more deeply with each other through various LIFE groups that meet in each other’s homes throughout the week. Plug In & Share Life TogetherMake a difference. Whatever you are passionate about, there’s an opportunity for you to serve at River City! Whether it’s teaching, leading worship, youth ministry, hospitality, transportation, greeting visitors, planning fellowships, encouraging...there are countless ways to allow God to use you for His glory!
Our HistoryIn the 80’s, a small group of people from the Levy Church of Christ committed to making a difference in the inner city of North Little Rock (NLR) and started a VBS for children, which eventually led to a Sunday morning Bible class for kids that met on a weekly basis. They later added outreach for adults.
From this mustard seed, River City Church was established in the early 90’s. We have been blessed with places to worship like the Boys & Girls Club at Hemlock Courts, a large green gym owned by the Housing Authority of NLR, and now our very own building purchased for us by an anonymous donor. TodayToday, we average about 50 people who worship with us on Sunday mornings. We are blessed to be led by two full-time ministers and a full-time youth minister.
River City MinistryWe also work closely with River City Ministry, our faith-based, non-profit sister ministry. Our staff often teaches classes & devotionals at their location, and several of our members serve on their staff or volunteer there. We are able to bless many of the people we come in contact with through their services, such as: their food pantry, a daily Bible study & hot lunch, their medical/dental/optical/pharmacy clinics, a clothing bus, counseling services, showers, phone, and laundry facilities.